Destiny or fate is a predetermined course of events, each of us are born with a unique destiny, a specific course of events outlined for us before our birth. From the day we are born to the day we transit, each circumstance and event has been ordered by providence. But we have been blessed and cursed with free will by providence divine. we have the ability to reject destiny and choose a different course of action. Destiny though already predetermined will never be shoved down our throats, that is what separates us from animals, our ability to choose between poverty or prosperity, good or evil.
With that in mind, let us look at destiny through the eyes of the bible, where we see evidence of destiny in the lives of Joseph, Moses and the other patriarchs and matriarchs of faith.

But there seems to be a pertains pattern of correlation in the lives of these heroes of faith. We notice in their journey through destiny the key roles that certain individuals play in their lives, and without these individuals they probably would not have risen to destiny. An example is the role of Pharaohs daughter in the life of Moses, he probably would have drowned, it is therefore safe to say that destiny cannot be achieved alone, it is a process that involves the help of oothers

Aside from biblical examples of destiny helpers we also have modern examples like the Google duo , Robert kiyosaki and rich dad and many more. The path to destiny is a very poetic journey that intertwines the lives of so many people, unlikely people that we would sometimes over look as irrelevant and unimportant..

