Well, its not a new thing any longer for couples, and two love birds to fall apart. Nor fail in life when it comes to the things of love.
But, the truth is, over time, our feeling do change in our relationship. that great zeal and sparkling emotional feel of falling in love disappears, but in the real sense, it doesn't mean this/those feelings disappears. When it comes to long-term relationship with a partner we ourselves chose, we can maintain the thrill or feel of being in love, and deepen that our feelings of passion and intimacy. However, for this to occur this means avoiding certain behaviours, habits, and traps that couples commonly fall into the longer they stay together. Being in love means taking the hard road and differentiating from negative past influences. It means challenging our own defenses and facing our, often subconscious, fears about intimacy. And  fighting for a relationship means being stubborn about not getting in our own way of staying close to someone else. Here are seven tips that I have found to help couples stand the test of time.

1) Be Open to New Consummate.
When a relationship gets closer, couples often risk growing apart by closing off to new experiences or limiting each other in certain ways. Love doesn't exist in a vacuum. We have to share time and activities to keep it thriving. Pay attention to what makes our partners happy, their interests, and be careful not to take actions that will restrict that happiness.

2) Make Sure to Have Joyful And Great Time Together
The ability to laugh with one another is a true sign of vitality in a relationship. It’s important to be able to share in and experience joy together. A sense of humor helps smooth the waters when our interactions become stormy. Being able to laugh at our shortcomings and at our partner's idiosyncrasies can steer us away from unwarranted dramas and keep our relationship alive.

3) Show Your Love, Don’t Hold It Back
Love doesn't exist unless it is treated as a vital and living force between two people. Saying "I love you" holds far less meaning than showing our love to someone. Show excitement when you see each other, make time to just talk, and be sure to make spontaneous affection part of your everyday life. Small steps, like holding hands and making eye contact, are easy to overlook in the face of busy schedules and responsibilities, but they can be key to keeping love exciting.

4) Keep Your Identity Real as an Individual
Losing yourself in love is one of the biggest threats to maintaining intimacy. Getting close to someone shouldn't mean fusing our identity or losing respect for our innate separateness. Couples should try to complement and support each other in an effort to become their fullest selves instead of merging together to become something else. Appreciate your partner’s unique interests and enjoy them for the vital individuals they are.

5) Don’t be Defensive, Always Engage in Open Communication
Inviting open communication and being receptive to feedback can help us overcome the real obstacles in our relationships. Instead of making excuses or counterattacking when our partner gives us feedback, we should look for the kernel of truth in what they're saying. Think about what applies and be compassionate to how they feel. In this same manner, you should seek to be direct and honest with your own feelings.

6) Remember to be Always Generous
Being generous involves being giving of yourself, but it also means being accepting of what's given to you. Be sure to always show appreciation, even when gifts, and acknowledgment are hard for you to receive. When it comes to the natural, give and take in a relationship, it's important not to keep score. Being generous will make you feel warmly toward your partner and good about yourself, two elements that keep the spark alive.
7) Always Have A Forgiving Heart And Open Hand
 Lastly, in this area many love are been found at fault in this perspective. A lot of people wants to love and be in a relationship but ain't ready to willing forgive their partner and accept then back wholeheartedly. rather they still carry grudges against their partner even still after accepting them back.. A Nigerian Proverb says "A Woman who drives her Man out of his house nor makes the house too hot for the man to stay, there's always a lady out there waiting to make her tent cool and comfortable for him to stay." Always have a forgiving  and loving heart today and change your relationship for the better today.
